Welcome to SebilCenter Colloquial Arabic Program.

We are a language learning center dedicated to helping you master the Palestinian colloquial dialect. Our team of experienced teachers is here to guide you through the process, whether you are a beginner or looking to enhance your existing language skills. Learning colloquial Arabic presents unique challenges, such as: Variation Across Regions. Colloquial Arabic varies significantly from region to region, which can confuse learners accustomed to the more standardized Modern Standard Arabic. Palestinian Colloquial Arabic is the closest dialect to Modern Standard Arabic. Limited Resources play an important role in the difficulties associated with learning colloquial Arabic. There is often a lack of structured resources and textbooks designed for colloquial dialects compared to Modern Standard Arabic. Moreover, Lack of Formal Instruction, many language programs focus on formal Arabic, providing limited opportunities for students to learn colloquial speech. Another difficulty that learners may face is the pronunciation and listening skills. Understanding the nuances of pronunciation and developing the listening skills necessary for comprehension in a conversational setting are often challenging.

SebilCenter is the first Arabic school that has solved these challenges and difficulties. SebilCenter provide tailored Curricula, developing curricula that specifically cater to the Palestinian dialect, offering structure where it might otherwise be lacking. Second, authentic resources, via creating and utilizing teaching aids, audio-visual materials, and interactive exercises designed for the Palestinian colloquial dialect. Third, cultural integration, embedding cultural elements to contextualize language usage and enhance understanding of colloquial expressions. Finally, focused instruction: providing specialized instruction on pronunciation and conversation from native speakers to aid in natural language acquisition.

SebilCenter uses specific strategies and resources which include interactive exercises: utilizing a digital platform where students can engage in interactive exercises that reinforce learning. The curriculum is likely designed specifically for colloquial Arabic, providing depth in areas that other schools might not cover as thoroughly, such as cultural nuances and day-to-day conversational language. Conversation practice: offering extensive opportunities for spoken practice to build fluency in real-life conversational contexts. Audio-visual aids: incorporating multimedia resources to expose learners to the colloquial dialect as used by native speakers. Custom learning plans: personalizing the learning experience to align with each student’s goals, whether they are conversational fluency or understanding locals. Pronunciation guides: providing comprehensive guides for pronunciation to help students speak accurately and confidently.

SebilCenter is a unique Arabic school by providing long-term enrollment: via establishing programs that allow for long-term study (up to a year or more) which is not commonly offered in other Arabic schools. Depth of study: emphasizing not just language mechanics but also cultural immersion and practical use in various social contexts. Developing its own teaching materials tailored for the Palestinian dialect, which can help address the lack of available resources for colloquial Arabic and enrich the learning experience. Curriculum innovation: By providing long-term courses, SebilCenter likely covers a broader and more in-depth range of language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and potentially writing, as well as a detailed study of grammar and vocabulary specific to the Palestinian dialect. SebilCenter offers an interactive platform that can support various learning styles and provides a diverse range of exercises and tools for students to practice their language skills. These differentiating features are designed to provide students at SebilCenter with a more sustained and in-depth language learning experience compared to the typically shorter courses offered at other schools, focusing on immediate conversational abilities and deeper cultural understanding. 

SebilCenter sets itself apart by providing a language-learning experience that is not just about linguistic proficiency but also about cultural fluency, allowing students to build a connection with Palestinian identity and heritage through the dialect they are learning. This comprehensive approach fosters a supportive environment for students to achieve fluency and a deep appreciation for the intricacies of Palestinian culture. SebilCenter offers dynamic learning methods which concentrate on the use of live contexts and modern scenarios that make learning engaging and relevant to everyday life. In addition to interactive activities, multifaceted educational content, technology integration, cultural integration, and tailored for diverse backgrounds. Therefore, SebilCenter incorporate a variety of activities and training that enhance language acquisition and keeps the learning process stimulating, providing a range of content, including texts and audio-visual materials, helps cater to different learning preferences and reinforces language skills. SebilCenter work through immersing students in Palestinian culture via art, folklore, literature, drama, music, dance, cuisine, and historical context enriches the learning experience and provides a deeper understanding of the language used in various cultural expressions. Whether you are of Palestinian or Arab origin, or foreigners with an interest in the region, the program is designed to meet your learning objectives and cultural interests.

By promising more progress than other language schools in the region and neighboring countries, SebilCenter offers a distinct and efficient approach to learning the Palestinian dialect for non-Arabic speakers, providing them with an opportunity to connect with their heritage and cultural identity. SebilCenter offers a tailored program for Palestinian youth and families residing outside of Palestine, focusing on achieving fluency in the Palestinian dialect over a condensed period. Here is what we offer via the colloquial Arabic program: short-term intensive courses that are designed to bring students to a high level of fluency within a 3-month period, perfect for those with study holidays or vacations. Comprehensive skill development: the program emphasizes conversation, understanding, reading, and writing, enabling full participation in discussions, dialogue, chats, and social interactions. Flexible scheduling: for those unable to commit to a full 3-month period in one stretch, the program offers the possibility to split the learning time into two parts, one is onsite classes in the country and another part is via online sessions, with a minimum of 7 weeks for the first part. The hybrid model allows for flexibility, where students can start learning in person in Ramallah, Palestine, and then continue their education online to accommodate their schedules. The program strongly ties the learning of the language to the culture of Palestinian society, facilitating a deeper understanding and connection. The program ensures that every minute is utilized effectively, without wasting efforts, losing focus on the plan, stumbling in strategy implementation, or becoming frustrated by the difficulty or intensity of the language. The course is taught in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  Colloquial (Local Dialect) Arabic Program

  Programs Starting Dates

 For a longer period please check:

Summer 2024

  Fall 2024

 Five-Year Arabic Programs Calendar (Programs Starting Dates: 2022-2027)

 2 June 2024

   1 September 2024

 1 July 2024

 1 October 2024


 1 August 2024

(Registration is still open) **

 3 November 2024

Please note that:

  Winter 2024/2025

Spring 2025

 1- The Private Arabic Training Program (One-To-One), Online Arabic Program and Full Immersion Arabic Program do not follow these dates. These kinds of courses start immediately at any date of registration.

  1 December 2024

 2 March 2025

 2-  For a group of students who have nearly the same language level also can start immediately at any date of registration.

 2 January 2025

 1 April 2025

2 February 2025

 4 May 2025


** Registration is still open for some courses.

    Colloquial Arabic (Palestinian / Levantine Dialect) Intensive Program Semi-Intensive Program Non-Intensive Program
Program duration At least 2 weeks and up to 48 weeks. At least 4 weeks and up to 48 weeks. At least 4 weeks and up to 48 weeks.
Lessons per week 20 Lessons.   10 Lessons.   6 Lessons.
Days per week 5 Days.   5 Days.   3 Days.
Lesson duration 45 Minutes.   45 Minutes.   45 Minutes.
Average number of students in class 5 Students.   5 Students.   5 Students.
Maximum number of students in class 8 Students.   8 Students.   8 Students.
Program levels 6 Levels, beginners to advanced. 8 Levels, beginners to advanced. 12 Levels, beginners to advanced.
Lessons periods (Choose One Only) Morning or evening.   Morning or evening.   Morning or evening.
Morning period
Subject to be changed
10:00 -13:00   10:00 -11:30    10:00 -11:30
Evening period
Subject to be changed
17:00 - 20:00    18:00 -19:30     18:00 -19:30
Program Fee of Two Weeks 40 Lessons = €1450 Euros   20 Lessons = €740 Euros -
Program Fee of Every Four Weeks 80 Lessons = €2452 Euros   40 Lessons = €1460 Euros    24 Lessons = €810 Euros
Registration €100 €100 €100

Notes:  Colloquial Arabic Program

* Lesson = 45 Minutes.
* Registration fee: €50 Euro paid once at registration.
* Study materials booklet: €50 Euro, paid every four weeks.
* Placement Test: €50 Euro, (For students other than beginners).
* Extending a program to more weeks or lessons should be done at least one week prior to the end of the current course.
* All prices quoted are subject to change without notice!

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