Why Is “x” The Unknown
The secret of the letter "X",
Where does it come from? Is it from the Arabic Language?
Terry Moore gives the surprising answer. Listen and watch!
Arabic is one member of the Semitic family of languages, which itself is a branch of the Afro-Asiatic super-family. The earliest evidence of proto-Arabic or Old North Arabian,
Is Arabic the Mother of all Languages?
The Arabic Language has the largest number of words in contrast with other languages. It has 12,300,000 words without repeating. While the English language has …
Arabic Word Number Comparison
18th December World Arabic Language Day
During its 190th session the UNESCO Executive Board adopted a decision to celebrate 18 December of every year as World Arabic Language Day.
Only & Just at Sebil Center
Would you like to develop and improve your Arabic Language (Speaking, Writing, Reading and Understanding easily)? Then you have reached to the correct address
Mixed Arabic (Standard&Colloquial)
If you are looking to merge between Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic, the Mixed Program is very suitable for you. You can learn the two programs in the same time into a special course ...
This kind of programs is suitable for learners who don’t have enough time to study Arabic and in the same time would like to benefit form their available free time through their stay in the country by acquiring new
One-Week Arabic Programs
Arapça SEBILCenter - Filistin - Ramallah, 20 yılı aşkın bir süredir Arapça öğretiminde uzmanlaşmış ve harika tecrübelere sahip olup farklı Arapça dil programları…
We help you shorten the time and effort to achieve your goals directly in an easy, fast and interesting way. We mainly concentrate on the modern and the practical language …
Travel to
Enjoy your stay in the Holy Land with friendly people and varied climate into a very small country that has a strategic location and a long varied history.
Intensive Standard Immersion Arabic
This program is the largest one that combines several activities: social and cultural, with entertainment. This program gives you the chance to learn Arabic in a faster manner.
We teach children the Arabic language with fun and unconventional activities. We help and encourage kids to live and practice their Arabic in the real life with local people by using all language.
Summer Arabic
Program For Kids
It is an ambitious, broad and pioneering program full of innovative activities that take into account the importance of time and students' results in their fields of specialization. So that students in ...
Arabic For
Academic Purposes
Arabic For
It is dedicated for media, journalism, social media and others. There is a broad and flexible teaching method for the modern Arabic language in media from various sources such as the interviews that ...
Arabic For
It is a unique program dedicated to diplomatic and political purposes as well as for international cooperation, public administration, diplomatic and cultural procedures and protocols, ...